Monday, September 8, 2014

Kennel Cough from Petland passed through my house for a couple ofmonths.

Levi Daniel

In the Petland contract they do not discuss kennel cough at all. They focus on hypoglycemia to keep you focused on that disease and no other.

The cut off time to return a dog by a vet of their own diagnosing the pet unsaleable is two days. 

I found the above description by google so you can look it up in search to get details. 

The period of time for kennel cough goes way outside of the contracted time. Their assigned vet was not available and they act ignorant as to any knowledge about kennel cough at all. 

No one acknowledged it as serious or a problem. In the contract they do not cover the other home animals that get this highly contagious disease. 

Therefore, paying for the two weeks hospital vet bills not knowing if they will reimburse me was extremely stressful not to mention the possible death of Levi in the first week due to severe pneumonia. 

Then it spread to Mikey. 

I posted the actual sceen of kennel cough on another post. 

Here is the current update after the infection spread through all my animals but one. And notice the time of kennel cough to run its course is two months. So imagine the relapses I had to go through with each of my animals.

Mikey is nine. He got touches of kennel cough and the a couple of relapses. I took him to the vet right away and got plenty of medication for him and Levi. 

This is Penny who is thirteen. She sneezed a lot but I did not know that was a kennel cough reaction. 

She got it in a cough much later but it went away quickly. 

Chloe got kennel cough in the second round and it lasted one week. I had to give her back to the previous owner. The essential oils that I used to purify the air to help stop the spread of continual rounds with kennel cough was Purification. This has an ingredient in is called Melaluca whick I found out after Kami died, can kill a cat. After Kami died, Chloe turned very destructive in knocking things over and wrecking the house.

Kami did not get sick at all with the kennel cough even during round three. I joined Young Living essential oils in order to purify my house natually. After three months of using this product, Kami had kidney failure. It was about two weeks of intense suffering and much stress for me. I loved her dearly. I had to take her to the vet and get her euthanized because her muscle tone was deteriorating and she needed freedom from suffering. 

I am no longer using essential oils. I do not know if it is a certain cause for her kidney failure. But the Essential oil book reference does state that Melaluca can kill a cat and it is one of the ingredients found in Purification distributed in the starter kit.

I spent a lot of money on my animals to fight kennel cough. It is no small thing that I had to go through with this infectious disease. I also experienced overwhelming stress that contributed to my need to take some healing time off. Which means I lost a lot of income.

Since the contract is a two day window for returning the animal, it is insignificant because of the time it takes to develope the cough for a couple of days. Levi was there for one week. It started our as a runny nose and then the third day it was on. Fight for life.

 I will discuss more on the contract at a later date. 

Thank you. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Petland Pensacola. Levi a boxer puppy

My new puppy Levi purchased at Petland Pensacola trying to overcome kennel cough. 

Here is a video of puppy mills and Petland Pensacola. 

Here is Levi fighting for his life the first week we got him home. 

He is doing better but will not be fully functioning as he still has relapses and can not walk a three block area without running out of breath. 

Dealing with his almost loss of life during the first week and then my other animals getting sick has added to my stress and slowed my recovery time as well. 

I am very disappointed in the cost and the contract that Petland uses. I will post on the contract soon. This is not good business for new pet owners nor the puppies involved.